Thursday, July 30, 2009


Director Ian Lawton

Still from Shut The Fuck Up.

Director bio:

Name: Ian Lawton

Coming from a background in animation for television and short film, Ian currently works as a freelance producer, director and editor for television. His knowledge of animation filmmaking techniques has been an invaluable asset to his work in postproduction.

His eclectic workload covers anything from drawn animation, commercials directing, radio advertising, documentary to short film, as well as corporate video and also music videos. As a screenwriter, his work has been short-listed on several occasions; has doctored scripts for advertising, copywriting & movie trailers. His work as a director has also been screened in many International Film Festivals.

• A member of the Irish Screenwriters & Playwrights Guild.

• Alumnus of Francis Ford Coppola's Zoetrope Screenwriting course.

• Has had tenure at producing promotional content for television broadcast, one of which earned a prestigious Shark Award for his campaign for the US TV series: Friends for Channel 6 in 2007.

• Holds an honors degree in Film from IADT and also a graduate of DLCAD

In a previous life Ian was an animator, worked on many tv shows, shorts and commercials. He won a couple of awards for his trouble, yet still spending his free time making music videos for mates bands, eventually becoming more fluent in the world of live-action and has since went on to direct commercials, promo’s, corporate videos and even more music videos (some of which earned awards for his trouble), anything at all really to earn his chops as a director.
Ian, sick of jumping through hoops for the funding of his films, invested in some gear, collaborated with actor friend and "soap celebrity" Tom O’Leary and shot "Shut the Fuck Up" early one morning in Bray with no crew and no money.
Ian got the idea for the short while on location in Bray shooting yet another f**king music video, seeing the lone phone booth by the car park, he was inspired.
Enthused by the result, Tom and Ian decided to dust off an old script, (previously short listed but ultimately refused funding) put together a small crew and spent three days with cheap German processed food and shot The Other Marty, which is currently in post-production. The food still hasn’t gone off.

Trailer For Shut The Fuck Up and IMDB Entry

Check back this time tomorrow for next profile.



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